Student Bio-Data

Student Admission Portal

Student Personal Info

Please enter your infomation and proceed to the next step so we can build your Student account and Profile.

Full Name
Date Of Birth
Intended Class
Class Last Attended
Student Email
Local Government Area
Desired School of Choice
Desired Trade / Courses
Profile Image


Other Informations

School Attended Informations

Other Personal Info

Please enter your infomation and proceed to the next step so we can build your Student account and Profile.

Name of Former School
Address of Former School
Health Issues
Mother Phone
Mother occupation
Father Phone
Father occupation


Admission Policy

Admission Policy

Sometimes we take Photographs or videos of children when they are involved in various activities at our School. These Picture recordings could be used by the school for displays to promote the work of the school in the media, on the website and any authorised third party platforms. if you do not wish to have your child's image used, Please Write to the head of school.

Additional information can be attached to this application form on a separate paper. Please inform us of any special interest of your child and if he/shehas any known medical condition, health issues or allergies which you would like us to be aware of.

  • The School reserves the right to determine the appropriate year group placement for each applicant
  • The school Reserves the right of expulsion for grave act of misconduct
  • The registration fee is a one-time payment per school section and is non refundable or transferable.

I attest that the details on this form are correct and agree to all terms and conditions set by the school admission policies.